Supercity Rangers Make Statement On Departing Players

2 Cheap Cars Supercity Rangers would like to confirm that Venkatesha Jois, Nnanna Egwu And Timothy Quarterman have chosen to self-terminate their contracts with the Rangers effective immediately.

It is with sadness the club accepts the players decision as Coach Jeff Green expressed today "the three imports have been outstanding, they have done everything asked of them and are the ultimate professionals in a difficult position especially with our young group. Their input into our team and the help they gave our youngsters was of the highest caliber. I don't remember seeing any imports like our three that did not speak ill to our youngsters at all for any mistakes that they would commit, very inspiring."

The club will have no hesitation in getting Tim, Venky and Nnanna back next year if the opportunity arises.

As with these situations speculation around the reasons why the three imports have decided to move on from the club are rampant. The club responds to this speculation as follows:

1. We can confirm that there are no payments owed to our imports;
2. Timothy Quarterman has flown out;
3. Venky Jois and Nnanna Egwu will leave ASAP.

The club wishes to focus on our remaining two home games against the top two teams in the Sal's NBL; Hawke's Bay Hawkes and Wellington Saints.

We have a great group of talented youngsters who will get the opportunity to play against the top teams and talent in the country. The club looks forward to our small group of loyal supporters helping us through their support attending our games in the next two weeks as we take on this mammoth task ahead for Coach Green, his staff and our players.

