Think Tank: Grand Final Edition

Photo credit: GameFace NZ

If you think the Rams are a sure thing this Sunday THEN click on this LINK and pay attention to how many points the Tuatara scored in the second quarter when they took down the Rams at Cowles Stadium earlier this season.

If you THINK players don’t get better with age THEN try and explain that to Corey Webster. Yet again the mercurial Kiwi guard elevated when his team needed him most and poured in 11 last quarter points to lift the Tuatara over the Bulls for a spot in this Sunday’s grand final. The man is proving ageless.

If you THINK Rams big man Lachie Olbrich was a worthy recipient of this year’s MVP (which we agree, he was) THEN his upcoming date with 2023 & 2024 Defensive Player of the Year Rob Loe will be must-watch TV. Grab the popcorn.

It you THINK (a quieter) Tom Vodanovich will be better for his semi-final run against the Bulls THEN grab your calendar and circle the number of days he went without a game for the Tuatara before Wednesday night’s clash. We’ll give you a hand – it was 38 days. Expect Tommy V to be in rhythm come Sunday.

If you THINK last year’s grand final loss is all but forgotten in the Tuatara camp THEN stop and consider that seven of this year’s team were on the losing end in 2023. They won’t have forgotten.

If you THINK a couple of homegrown Rams are ready to rise to the occasion this Sunday THEN take note that in last year’s winning grand final Taylor Britt (2pts) and Kaia Isaac (0pts) played low-key roles, in fact the latter didn’t even step on the court. This time around they will play key roles and their contributions will be invaluable.

If you THINK just one player might be talked about a bit in the lead-up to Sunday’s big game THEN chances are it could be KJ Buffen. The versatile Rams import has been out of action with an ankle injury since June 28 in New Plymouth (coincidently the day before Tommy V's last game). Will he play or won’t he play this Sunday, and if he does … will he be 100% fit and healthy?

If you THINK a back-to-back Rams win on Sunday will take them into new championship territory THEN don’t forget the club also won back-to-back championships in 1989 and 1990. For what it’s worth, the 1989 title was courtesy of a 91-83 win over Auckland, while in 1990 the Rams took down Kenny Stone, Nenad Vucinic and the Giants, winning 76-73.

If you THINK losing three consecutive grand finals is rare in the Sal’s NBL THEN you would be right. If the Tuatara lose this Sunday they will become the only team in the 43-year history of the competition to have lost three straight championship games. Hardly a record any team wants.

If you THINK Rams coach Judd Flavell might be looking for some championship experience to pass on to his team this week THEN he won’t need to dig too deep into the past. The 2023 championship-winning Rams coach has a glittering resume as a player and coach, which includes multiple Sal’s NBL titles. Down the other end of the court, Tuatara coach Aaron Young is searching for his first piece of Sal’s NBL silverware.   


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